Unauthorised Parking and the Ongoing Rail Saga

With the fiasco of timetable changes on the rail network and the continued threat of regular train strikes until a deal can be met between management and workers, commuters have faced an increasing challenge with their daily journeys.

It’s hardly surprising then, that more and more of us have turned to driving to and from work and finding somewhere to park.

With the rail service so unreliable, many commuters have been left with no other alternative.

Increased demand for car park spaces

But as the number of commuters switching back to cars has increased, so too has the demand for parking spaces in and around places of work.

In most city centres, any spare plot of land has already been utilised as a car park, so commuters are looking elsewhere; private streets, residential flats, and industrial estates.

Even office blocks and retail parks that are on the edge of a town or city centre have seen an increase in the number of commuters using their car parks before continuing their commute into the centre.

And the problem with all these new cars: they’re taking up spaces for paying customers, blocking in homeowners or renters, or causing access problems.

Controlling usage with car park management

Land owners, businesses and property management firms need a way to control and manage the increased usage of their car parks.

Some will need to prohibit unauthorised access all together to keep commuters from causing problems, whilst others may want to restrict parking to non-business hours.

Those on the outskirts of town will want to ensure their customers have priority, but if they do have space capacity, they’ll be looking to generate additional revenue from this increased demand.

Managing a car park effectively can be costly and time consuming – unless you choose the right car park management company.

And that’s where we can help.

At Creative Car Parks, we’re experts in managing usage of car parks to give you the results you want, whether that’s restricted access, customer priorities or additional revenue.

We don’t need to install barriers or gates either. With our ANPR technology, we can maintain open access to your land whilst ensuring your parking priorities.

If you need any help or advice with the increased demand on your car park, office block or industrial estate, call us now.

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