Parcel Lockers

Maximise your car park and generate regular income by hosting a parcel locker at your site.

Introducing a new revenue-generating opportunity for your business

Imagine a motorist paying you to leave their vehicle in your car park for a whole year, without taking up a single space… having a parcel locker at your site is similar.

As a business owner you will receive guaranteed rental revenue for hosting a locker – while also attracting increased footfall as people use it to send and receive parcels. Lockers take up very little space and provide a genuinely useful service for the local community. It’s hardly surprising they’re so popular these days.

Make money from your car park

Your car park is a valuable asset – make it work harder for you by installing a parcel locker. You’ll receive a recurring rental fee, paid every three months, just for hosting a locker at your premises, so you can sit back and watch the revenue roll in.

Provide a local community service

Lockers take up very little space and provide a genuinely useful service for the local community – and consumers love them because they’re convenient, easy to use and reduce the environmental impact of door-to-door deliveries.

Boost traffic and footfall

Businesses benefit from increased footfall as people make regular visits to the locker with their parcels. This is particularly beneficial for retailers who report an increase in customer spend once a locker is installed.

Partner with the parcel locker experts

We work with location partner LockerQuest to install lockers that will transform your unused or underutilised spaces. They have already installed more than 500 lockers across the UK and that number is rising as demand for lockers increases.

Why choose Parcel Lockers

You will be paid a rental fee for hosting the locker and there are no costs involved

Associate your businesses with the locker providers – well-known names like Amazon and Yeep!

Parcel lockers are a convenient, easy and sustainable way to send and receive parcels

Unlock maximum value from your car park, turning it into more than just a parking site

Retailers benefit from passing trade as people visit the locker with their online shopping

We make the whole process of installing and maintaining a locker as simple as possible

We provide Parcel Lockers for

Ready to move forward and generate new revenue from your car park?

As one of the UK’s most experienced and trusted car parking operators, we are dedicated to helping our clients unlock maximum value from their car parks.

We make the whole process of installing a locker as simple as possible. Complete the form to find out more about this brilliant new revenue opportunity.

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Parcel Lockers FAQs

Are there any costs involved in installing parcel lockers?

There are no costs for having parcel lockers on your car park, not even electricity costs as all lockers are battery powered.

The locker needs to be easily accessed by customers and the delivery vehicles, ideally 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

In a convenient location with good access and no obstructions. All lockers are freestanding, but situated against a wall is the preferred location. The surveyors will identify the perfect location that does not interfere with standard operations, including the use of parking bays at your site.

In general cases planning permission is not required within private areas.

Lighting is preferred but not essential. A well-lit area will help customers using the lockers during the evening. Similarly, CCTV coverage overlooking the area is preferred but not essential. Some lockers have their own internal CCTV devices.