
Regain control of your parking situation legally, with zero setup costs for your business.

Are you grappling with unauthorised or nuisance parking issues on your property?

Wheel clamping, a common method to deter improper parking, surrounds the vehicle’s wheel, rendering it immobile. However, this practice comes with its drawbacks and legal complexities.

Unfortunately, without lawful authority clamping, blocking, or towing vehicles on private land is illegal. However, you’re not without recourse against nuisance parking. With the use of ANPR, you can address nuisance parking issues legally and at no cost to you.

In less than four weeks, we can help resolve your parking concerns and help you regain control of your property’s parking situation. Simply book a free, no-obligation today.

Clamping versus ANPR

When comparing Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) with traditional wheel clamping, ANPR emerges as a superior solution for several reasons:

If you are interested in ANPR parking management on your property, book a free no-obligation consultation to discuss your options with one of our team.

We work with business of all shapes and sizes across the UK including:

Useful clamping information

Is clamping illegal in the UK?

The DVLA will act when a vehicle is parked illegally on public land, contravening parking restrictions or causing an obstruction. Your car might also be removed from a public road by the Fines/ Civil Enforcement Officers if you have not paid a number of fines.

Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) enforcement officers can also clamp or tow cars when a vehicle is considered dangerous to other road users.

Local authorities also have the legal right to clamp vehicles and tow them away if the driver does not have car tax or insurance. If a car is causing a hazard or has been abandoned, they are likely to remove it from the road rather than clamping it. Blue badge holders issued to disabled drivers or passengers should not be clamped.

If you have been legally clamped by one of the Authorised Bodies, follow the instructions attached to the vehicle to pay a fee to get the clamping device removed. You might be asked to pay over the phone or be given a period of around 14 days. Do not try to attempt to forcibly remove the wheel clamp yourself, as you might be prosecuted for criminal damage.


The DVLA will act when a vehicle is parked illegally on public land, contravening parking restrictions or causing an obstruction. Your car might also be removed from a public road by the Fines/ Civil Enforcement Officers if you have not paid a number of fines.

Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency’s (DVSA) enforcement officers can also clamp or tow cars when a vehicle is considered dangerous to other road users.

Local authorities also have the legal right to clamp vehicles and tow them away if the driver does not have car tax or insurance. If a car is causing a hazard or has been abandoned, they are likely to remove it from the road rather than clamping it. Blue badge holders issued to disabled drivers or passengers should not be clamped.

If you have been legally clamped by one of the Authorised Bodies, follow the instructions attached to the vehicle to pay a fee to get the clamping device removed. You might be asked to pay over the phone or be given a period of around 14 days. Do not try to attempt to forcibly remove the wheel clamp yourself, as you might be prosecuted for criminal damage.


Wheel clamping on private land by a private company is illegal. Under some circumstances, and only with good reason, the police, the DVLA or the local authority can instruct for a car to be clamped by a private company on their behalf.

Private landowners, such as home or business owners, can issue parking fines if cars are parked illegally on their property, but they cannot legally clamp cars.

If you are a private landowner and would like to prevent unauthorised parking or nuisance parking on your premises, please explore our car park management services.


As a landowner with private parking space, you might feel annoyed by unauthorised vehicles using your car park and taking away the spaces designated for your staff and visitors. Car clamping by private companies is illegal in the UK, so if you are looking for effective car park management solutions, this is not a viable option.

However, there are a number of other solutions out there, such as electronic barriers and pay stations that can help clamp down (no pun intended) on illegally parked vehicles on your property. Having the ability to charge vehicle owners for their use of the car park can inject some extra profit into your business, which can be put to other uses. Staff and visitors can be issued with parking permits that will exempt them from paying, ensuring that your car park is well managed and giving you the powers to issue fines to those drivers who do not comply with the rules.


Who we help

You don’t need to do anything, we’ll take care of every aspect

Running a successful business and managing your car park effectively at the same time can prove frustrating and stressful. Some drivers will always try to take advantage of parking spaces, no matter which area you are located in. At Creative Car Park, we take the stress out of parking management by providing bespoke parking solutions to meet your personal and business needs.

Speak to one of our advisors today to see how we could help you!